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  • Study Japanese
  • Online Learning
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  1. Index Page > 
  2. Study Japanese > 
  3. Weekly course

Features of Weekly Course

  • You can start your course each Monday. For students who have never studied Japanese before, enroll in the elementary course starting the first Monday of every month.
  • Study Japanese anytime you like arranged around your work or school schedule.
  • Classes are held every day based on the theme of adding one “can do” item each time.
  • Lessons are designed to help students actually communicate in Japanese.
  • Our small class sizes allow each student to speak more and actively participate in the class.


  • Lessons focus on conversation rather than memorizing contents of a textbook. By conversing with the teacher, students learn natural phrases and expressions suitable for actual daily-life situations.

  • Students practice new expressions learned in class with their classmates.

  • Daily training allows students to practice verb conjugations and build up their vocabulary.


Students who are complete beginners to advanced learners (C1) are invited.

Other students may start on any Monday.

Level Study Period Rough Guide of Japanese Proficiency
Beginner 1 week Can read and write Hiragana. Can use basic phrases in daily situations such as greetings and shopping.
A-1 3 weeks Can talk about familiar subjects such as oneself, family, work and country, using simple phrases and expressions.
A-2 5 weeks Can talk about plans and routines. Can communicate in simple situations such as asking for directions.
B-1 6 weeks Can describe own experience or current circumstances and situations.
B-2 8 weeks Can provide well-structured opinions on social issues.
C-1 4 weeks Can speak fluently and spontaneously with due consideration of other people’s feelings. Can select the way of speaking suitable for the occasion. Can explain the situation precisely in more detail.

Class levels of Weekly Course are set based on CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference).

Lesson content

The weekly course is based on a specific theme for the day “I can do ~ in Japanese.” Each lesson is design so the students can actually communicate in Japanese on a specific topic.
The intensive training focuses on accurate speech, where students practice proper speaking including verb conjugation until correct use at a satisfactory level is reached. Kanji lessons are designed to increase vocabulary by mainly selecting kanji characters students are familiar with in their daily lives. The shadowing method is used to achieve natural intonation and to improve pronunciation in daily lessons.

1時限目 2時限目 3時限目 4時限目
Monday About my family/Shadowing Kanji
Tuesday About my country/Shadowing Training
Wednesday About my appearance/Shadowing Kanji
Thursday Explain where I live/Shadowing Training
Friday Asking friends out/Shadowing Kanji

Lesson hours and capacity

40-min lessons X 4 in the morning.
Class size is 5~8 people in average, and 14 people as maximum.

1st period 10:00~10:40
2nd period 10:50~11:30
3rd period 11:40~12:20
4th period 12:30~13:10


Our original textbooks are designed, setting a specific goal for each lesson and utilizing a short-term program.

Students' Voices

School Life in IIJ & Life in Japan

Events/Activities/Exchange Parties
What are application requirements? Application Procedures
Life in Japan


Please check here for the prices.

Have you ever enrolled in Weekly Course or Long-term Course of IIJ?




*Please pay the fees before the first day of the lesson by bank transfer,cash payment or a credit card.
*A credit card is available at the school reception.
*The material fee is not included in the fees.

PeriodEducational history at IIJ
1 week¥49,500¥27,500
2 weeks¥77,000¥55,000
3 weeks¥104,500¥82,500
4 weeks¥132,000¥110,000
5 weeks¥159,500¥137,500
6 weeks¥187,000¥165,000
7 weeks¥214,500¥192,500
8 weeks¥242,000¥220,000
9 weeks¥269,500¥247,500
10 weeks¥297,000¥275,000
11 weeks¥324,500¥302,500
12 weeks¥352,000¥330,000
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Intercultural Institute of Japan  Akihabara School
TEL : +813-5816-4861    FAX : +813-5816-4862
2-20-9, Taito, Taito-ku Tokyo 110-0016
(c) 2006 - 2013 Intercultural Institute of Japan. All Rights reserved.